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The Women Ministry is one wing that plays a very important role in the church. They were established to carry out women empowerment through outreach and evangelism programs. They aim to gather women within and outside the community through fellowship and get-together activities, impacting and demonstrating love, respect, dignity, modesty and exemplarily Godly virtues to community.

They meet every week to pray for women who are going through various challenges in their lives, i.e. sicknesses, marital abuse, divorce, single mothers, depression and suicidal. Through regular fellowship and encouragement from the word of God most women in the church are now informed about the realities of life and problem-solving techniques. Most women in the church have now overcome low self-esteem as they have now discovered the hidden inner potential that enhances their self-value.

Their empowerment conferences, regular fellowship have created great awareness in the community attracting many other women from other faith i.e., Islam and Hindu and members from other religious groups are now coming coming together for one common goal of personal development.

This initiatives has made many women started their own private business and are becoming self-employed and financially independent.

The millennium women strongly advocate Proverbs 31:10-31. They lay more emphasis on verses number 30, which states that; “Beauty is vain, and charm is deceitful, but a woman who fear the Lord shall be honoured.”


We are growing Pentecostal church based in United Kingdom –London We believe in the Torah, a holy book of instruction given to Moses by Almighty God on Mount Sinai 49 days after the Jewish exodus from Egypt, We believe in both the Old and the New Testament as authentic word of God

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