Every genuine Ministry is a copy of what is already established in heaven. When Moses was about to build the Tabernacle, God specifically instructed him and said – Build the Tabernacle according to the pattern I showed you on the mountain because I have a copy in heaven. - Exodus 25: 9
The ancient Rock Chapel Ministry started in my living room as a weekly home prayer group. Within a period of four weeks our numbers grew from seven to 21 members and people were standing in the corridor and praying as well as listening to the word of God preached from the living room. There was no ZOOM technology at that time to move our meeting online, so the only option we had was to look for a bigger venue.
We eventually moved to Tarbard community hall. Our number continued to grow in amazing way as God was confirming our prayers with many miracles which drew many people in the community and afar. My responsibility as a spiritual leader of the fellowship increased as the members continued to come to me regarding different kinds of spiritual and social problems. It was at this stage when the spirit of God impressed on me to embark on 40 days fasting with no solid food, only water and fruits.
On the 21st day of the fasting, whilst I was laying in my sofa in the living room after prayers, I had an open vision when a man appeared before me and spoke to me in my native “Ewe” language and instructed me to break the fasting at Hilton hotel and that I should order for a banquet to be prepared in their restaurant and that I should invite people to come and dine with me. I had no doubt it was the voice of the Lord, however, banquet at five-star Hilton hotel in London involves a lot of money; though I was not in a stable financial state at that time to afford the cost of party in such an expensive restaurant, I acted by faith as the lord had instructed.
The 40 days came, and my fasting eventually was broken with a holy banquet at the restaurant at Hilton hotel Dockland. Over one hundred guests dined with me on that day, and the cost was miraculously borne by some of the guest who came.
The night after the party, the Lord spoke to me and instructed me to pitch my tent at the same hotel and erect my first Altar for a church. I approached the management of the hotel and signed two years contract to use one of their conference halls; then the next Sunday we started our first Sunday service. That was how the Ancient Rock Chapel Ministry started. We used the conference hall at the hotel for our Sunday church service and Friday bible study and prayer meeting every week for almost three years.
“Oh! Blema Gakpe Sese la”… meaning - (The solid Ancient Rock)
The name of the church was derived from a prophetic prayer my father prayed for me when I went to inform him about my scholarship to come and study in the United Kingdom. The day before I left Ghana for UK, I knelt before my father and he placed his two hands upon my head and prayed a prophetic prayer in my native dialect, in this prayer he invoked the name of God upon me and said “Oh! Blema Gakpe Sese la”… meaning - (The solid Ancient Rock) the name sounded like a thunder in my ears it was like an earthquake, it was like the ground was shaking, and I couldn’t stay on my knees, I felt so dizzy and almost became unconscious, I could not remember the rest of the prayer but the name – “Blema Gakpe Sese la” (The Ancient Rock) remained with me as a covenant name of the God of my father.
When my ministry started, there was no other name to give the church apart from that which was invoked upon me by my father. People know God by different names, but I know him by the name “Ancient Rock”, and any time I call on him by this covenant name he answers me. The church is committed to preparing souls for rapture, imparting the wisdom of God and turning the heart of many to righteousness; this makes us like a shining star, according to the Word of God in. Daniel 12:3 Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who turn the heart of many to righteousness shall shine like stars for ever and ever. We are unique and known by our insightful bible teachings and ancient Orthodox Hebraic doctrines Our understanding of the dynamic of the spirit makes us not to be in haste regarding numerical increment of the congregation, our emphasis is based on spiritual growth and acquisition of wisdom; As a cedar of Lebanon, we are taking root downwards so that we can bear fruit upwards Isaiah 37:31.