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What We Believe

We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who came to this world to reconcile us to God. Those who believe in him and follow his teachings will have eternal life (John 3:16). We also believe that our purpose in this world is to work towards improving ourselves and the world around us, and strive to overcome our human flaws and attain a certain level of perfection and righteousness that is deserving of paradise.

We believe that at the end of life, God will bring us to the court of heaven and judge us according to our deeds. He will either reward us with paradise or send us to hell to cleanse the dent of sins on our souls. (Soul dry cleaning)

Our belief system is primarily rooted in ancient Hebraic orthodox doctrines. We firmly believe that the blood of Jesus does not absolve premeditated sins. According to our Talmudic sages, blood can only be used to atone for unintentional sins. Therefore, any premeditated or intentional wicked act committed against our neighbours shall be met with corresponding punishment by God who alone decides on what kind of punishment or reward individuals deserves.


We believe that we can be granted access to eternal life only through good deeds and by following the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Merely believing that Jesus is the son of God is not enough to guarantee paradise. It is our belief that individuals who lead righteous lives, regardless of their religious affiliation, will surely be granted access to paradise - a place exclusively prepared for the upright and righteous people, but not only for Christians. All wicked Christians who have reputation of bad deeds will receive their punishment in hell, whilst people from other religious groups whose beliefs do not recognise our Lord Jesus Christ as God or died for our sins, provided this individual lived a righteous life before God and have a merit of good deeds, God will surely reward them with paradise.

We are well-known for our messages of peace, recognition and acceptance of other religions, by doing so we promote a harmonious community.

Although we believe the Talmudic philosophy, which holds the view that the world is built on the foundation our sages refer to in Hebrew tongue as "Midah keneged Midah” (מידה כנגד מידה ) (measure for measure); Nevertheless, we preach longsuffering, forgiveness, mercy and kindness. We always encourage our members to refrain from any action that may harm others physically or emotionally.

We believe that the almighty God is the chief judge of the world and he rewards the righteous for their good deeds and gives to the wicked the punishment they deserve in a fair manner. Therefore, whatever happens to us, whether good or bad, that is what we deserve, because Almighty God is a righteous Judge.

We do not focus on growing our congregation numerically, rather focusing on spiritual growth and equipping our members with the necessary wisdom to solve life problems.

As a growing church, we are committed to winning lost souls in our community through evangelism and demonstrating the love of God. We are dedicated to meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of the people in our community. We provide one-to-one biblical counselling, offering reassurance of God’s love and mercy, forgiveness of sin, self-discovery which leads to new life in Christ.

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What We Believe

Our History


About Mrs Joyce Dove

About Rabbi


We are growing Pentecostal church based in United Kingdom –London We believe in the Torah, a holy book of instruction given to Moses by Almighty God on Mount Sinai 49 days after the Jewish exodus from Egypt, We believe in both the Old and the New Testament as authentic word of God

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