Wherever you are on your journey, there’s a place for you here. And we want to help you become the person God created you to be.
We encourage people to come as they are and to be comfortable. You’ll see people dressed in a wide range of clothing, from jeans to dress clothes. We want you to feel at home, so come as you are most comfortable. We are a congregation of all ages.
If you’re visiting on the first Sunday of the month, you can expect Communion to be served. We ask that only those who profess a personal faith in Jesus Christ participate in this holy sacrament.
Children’s Ministry is considered the most important part of the church as we regard the children as the future leaders of the church and the community at larger. Bible says in Proverbs 22:6; - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
We meet at The Penarth centre, Penarth St, London SE15 1TR
on SUNDAYS: 3pm - 5pm
Morning Prayers:5:30am - 6:30am | Evenings Prayers :9pm - 10pm
Morning Prayers: 5:30am - 6:30am | Evenings Prayers : 9pm - 10pm
The Penarth centre, Penarth St, London SE15 1TR
The following free conference number and access Code is used for all morning prayers; and the ZOOM link below is used for our evening prayers and bible studies. Your'e Warmly welcome to join us on any of the above days.
Conference Number: 3309981257 | Access Code: 764401#