I came to Ancient Rock Chapel Ministry when they were worshipping at the Hilton Hotel. Actually, I went to pick up a package from a friend of mine, that visit turned out to be a life-changing experience for me.
I was going though different challenges at that time including my physical health and that of my children.
These challenges were affecting my mental health and I was feeling depressed.
I had some personal sensitive issues which I didn’t have anyone to discuss with. On that Sunday, Rabbi Divine prayed for me, I felt some peace and tranquility as he laid his hands on my head. He encouraged me to be strong and trust in the Lord. He took my mobile number, and he followed up by calling to check on me.
I continued to attend the Sunday church services and Friday bible studies, within a few weeks I realized that I was able to overcome my anxiety and became more self-confident, my health improved rapidly, my husband noticed the joy and peace around me, I was encouraged by the Rabbi to read the bible and pray regularly.
I learnt how to read the bible and understand from the mind of the author of that scripture, as we were taught by the Rabbi that every scripture must be interpreted or understood from the mind of the author.
I was diagnosed with fibroid and needed to undergo surgery, but by the grace of God the fibroid disappeared miraculously; I am forever grateful to God for that healing.
Rabbi Divine forbids us not to mention his name whenever we are giving testimonies because he believes that all glory and honor belongs to God and him only is worthy of praise. I have grown spiritually under the leadership of Rabbi.
The Rabbi encouraged me to get enrolled into the bible college which I did, I successfully completed all the modules and graduated. All thanks to Dr Shadrack, Bishop Maiyaki, Pastor Solomon and all the other lecturers who taught us, It was really an amazing experience. Previously I did not know anything about Hermeneutics and homiletics but now I am able to prepare sermon by deriving information from the scriptures.
I am now able to lead bible discussions lead prayers and occasionally preach on our Zoom meeting. I highly recommend ARCUPA bible college to every Christian it does not matter what they think they know about the bible already.
Thank God for Rabbi Divine who accepted the call of God and through him many of us have found a pathway in life. I would say without any reservation that Ancient Rock Chapel Ministry is the best place to be.